Virginia mclaurin birthdate

Virginia mclaurin wikipedia

Virginia Lugenia McLaurin (née Campbell, March 12, – November 14, ) was an American community volunteer, seamstress, manager of a laundry, farm worker, and a semi-supercentarian or a supercentenarian, since her birth certificate was not located (or her official birthdate not recorded) and she is believed See more.

virginia mclaurin birthdate

Virginia mclaurin birthdate

When was Virginia McLaurin born?

Virginia mclaurin birthdate death

Virginia McLaurin was born on 12 March in Cheraw, South Carolina, USA. She died on 14 November in Olney, Maryland, USA.
Virginia mclaurin birthdate pictures
Virginia McLaurin (March 12, – November 14, ) was an American community volunteer and a semi-supercentarian or a supercentenarian, since her birth certificate was not found but .