Oleg vladimirovich losev biography for kids
Semicon wiki
Oleg Vladimirovich Losev (sometimes spelled Lossev or Lossew in English; Russian: Оле́г Влади́мирович Ло́сев; – 22 January 1942) was a Russian and Soviet scientist and inventor who made significant discoveries in the field of semiconductor junctions and the light emitting diode (LED).
Physics of semiconductors
Oleg Vladimirovich Losev (sometimes spelled Lossev or Lossew in English; Russian: Оле́г Влади́мирович Ло́сев; – 22 January 1942) was a Russian and Soviet scientist and inventor who made significant discoveries in the field of semiconductor junctions and the light emitting diode (LED).
Semiconductor example
Pupil of the fifth grade of the real school of the pre-revolutionary Tver Oleg Losev quietly rummaged that evening in his half-secret home radio laboratory, which he equipped with money saved from school breakfasts and made another electric squeaker.
Semiconductor materials
Oleg Vladimirovich Losev (April 27 (May 10) (19030510), Tver - January 22, Leningrad) - Soviet physicist and inventor (15 patents and copyright certificates), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (g.